# AdNo Activity λ λ☉[beg-end] Ra De ΔRa ΔDe Vg LoR SLoR LaR Theta Phi a q e Peri Node Inc N
1 000 annual 147.7 - 329.38 -15.88 - - 21.6 326.0 178.3 -3.22 88.3 273.22 2.414 0.597 0.753 87.3 327.76 2.81 6
2 001 2022 143.1 142.0 - 144.0 324.7 -11.6 - - 24.2 323.14 180.04 2.33 90.04 267.67 3.16 0.547 0.823 270.7 143.2 53.9 36
3 002 2022 143.71 - 325.3 -11.5 - - 23.9 323.73 180.02 2.23 90.02 267.77 2.91 0.551 0.811 270.9 143.75 1.8 123

  1. Porubcan & Gavajdova, 1994 (In Porubcan & Gavajdova 1994, the shower name is alpha-Capricornids (S))
  2. Jenniskens, 2022 (Previously entered as M2022-Q1. Found to be similar to #199 by Jenniskens (2022) eMeteorNews, 7, 306)
  3. Roggemans et al., 2022

Parent body proposed in the scientific literature: